In the UK we all unfortunately need a decent heating system to keep us warm in those cool winter months. For many of us, that involves a boiler with lots of radiators scattered across the house as a means of[…]Find out more
Infrared Heating vs. a Gas Central Heating System
Electricity costs 13p / unit (measured in kWh), gas meanwhile is just 4p / unit. Therefore it is very easy to look at these numbers and completely discount infrared as an ‘expensive’ electric heating solution, but actually there are far[…]Find out more
Where should I place my Infrared Heating Panels?
Our Infrared Heating panels are both efficient and stylish. They provide fantastic warmth that remains comfortable, maintenance free and controllable throughout the home. Importantly though, since they don’t rely on convection like more traditional radiators and storage heaters, positioning the infrared heating panels[…]Find out more
The Benefits of Infrared Heating in the home
In our first blog on Infrared4Homes we thought we would kick off with 10 reasons why you should consider installing our infrared heating panels in your homes! Turn on your Infrared heating panel and you will almost instantly feel the[…]Find out more

Why is radiant infrared heating so efficient?
We get asked a lot why is our infrared heating so efficient so in this week’s blog we thought we would have a crack at answering exactly that question. Many of the reasons infrared heating is so efficient come from[…]Find out more